“I don’t have time to meditate”
“Meditation isn’t for me”
“I don’t know where to start”

Do these excuses sound familiar? Meditation is a process whereby we still the mind and return to the present moment. We learn to let go of our attachment to both past + future and focus on the now. Meditation is an ancient practice but is gaining traction in new circles as mindfulness has become a buzzword. Many people mistakenly think they have to be a Himalayan monk to practice meditation but meditation is for everyone.

Studies have shown benefits of meditation include stress reduction, improved concentration, and increased self-awareness to name a few. Harvard neuroscientist Sara Lazar found meditation can positively rewire the brain in as little as 8 weeks.¹ As Western science catches up with Eastern philosophy, we now see more clearly the physical and metaphysical benefits of meditation.

A myriad of meditation techniques exist and so many options can make getting started overwhelming. Remember that meditation is a journey and by sticking with it you’ll learn what works for you. Personally, my favorite times to meditate are before and after work. I find that meditation helps me clear my mind and brings an element of stillness + balance to my hectic days.

In order to meditate, you only need your body and your breath — but let’s be honest, an app can help! Meditation is like any other skill and requires practice to improve and observe benefits. As you deepen your practice, I believe the best way to learn is from a teacher. The following apps are useful when starting your meditation journey and offer the basics of meditation and lead you to experience the quieting of the mind.

1. Omvana

Omvana is a great meditation app. Limited free meditations are available but you have access to an entire library of tracks to buy. I like this app for it’s guided meditations of varying length. This app is easy to use and offers a wide array of categories to meet your needs.

  • Pro: Vast library, Variable length of time for meditations
  • Con: Most meditations cost $$ with an in-app purchase
  • Best For: Variety

2. Oprah & Deepak 21-Day Meditation Experience

This app is amazing for beginners! My mom introduced me to this app and I love it. Oprah and Deepak lead 21-day meditation experiences focused on helping beginners develop a foundation for meditation. Oprah gives an intro/SuperSoul thought at the beginning and Deepak dives into a centering thought and a mantra for the meditation. There is one meditation per day and their duration gradually increases throughout the program. They cover themes like “Getting Unstuck”, “Releasing Stress & Anxiety”, and “Shedding Weight: Mind, Body, Spirit” to name a few.

  • Pro: Great themed guided meditations with Oprah + Deepak, Introduction to Mantra Meditation
  • Con: Free experiences are infrequent — If one isn’t running you’ll have to buy a meditation package/series
  • Best For: Mantra Meditation, Oprah/Deepak lovers, people wanting to develop a solid practice

3. Headspace

This is a great app for those looking to really learn the basics of meditation. Andy teaches breath awareness and body scan techniques. Each lesson builds on the previous one helping you develop a solid meditation practice. One drawback is the foundational Take10 10-day program has to be completed to have access to other mediation programs.

  • Pro: Progress tracking, iPhone Health app integration
  • Con: Fixed meditation time length, Have to complete Take10 program before access to other meditations
  • Best For: Creating a strong foundation


4. Calm

This app offers a multi-day series and guided and unguided meditation options. Though this app offers a fair amount of free content, most offerings require the monthly subscription plan. A cool feature to this app is the ability to set calming scenes as the backdrop for your meditation

  • Pro: Variety of guided and unguided meditations, Backdrop selection, Progress tracking
  • Con: Monthly subscription necessary to access most meditations
  • Best For: Mix of guided and unguided meditations


5. Calm Down Now

This is my personal favorite app because I’ve used it the longest. I’d recommended Calm Down Now for those who have experience meditating and aren’t looking for a guided experience. While there are short meditations, the real beauty of Calm Down now is its library of relaxing sounds. You can layer the sounds and set a timer for great background noise for your meditation session.

  • Pro: Ability to create serene, relaxing background music for meditation
  • Con: Limited 2- minute guided meditations
  • Best For: Advanced meditators looking for sounds, People with anxiety looking to calm down in stressful situations


Honorable Mention: Podcasts + YouTube

There are a wealth of meditations available as podcasts and videos on YouTube. My favorite podcast meditations come from Hay House. These meditations are lead by world-renowned meditation teachers and there is something for everyone — from the total newbie to the woo-woo meditation master. Additionally, YouTube is good for finding meditations based on length. I love this YouTube meditation before bed (especially when I’m having trouble sleeping).

Becoming good at anything requires practice, practice, and more practice! Let me know what you think of these apps of feel free to share your favs!

1. Harvard neuroscientist: Meditation not only reduces stress, here’s how it changes your brain.