Happy International Women’s Day!

The 2019 campaign for International Women’s Day is #BalanceForBetter because “a balanced world is a better world.” IWD puts forward ways to forge a more gender-balanced world including celebrating women’s achievement, raising awareness against bias, and taking action for equality.

As busy professional women, we know firsthand that balance is an ever-changing process. When life is out of balance you may notice you sleep less, eat worse, and are more susceptible to illness and burnout. Finding your version of “balance” isn’t about a magic formula, but rather a consciousness of the relationship between all aspects of your life.

To celebrate this day — I’ve provided some tools to balance your mind + body + soul.

  • Mind — A short meditation for women!
  • Body — Yoga (of course)
  • Soul — A worksheet from the Fierce Reconnect journal workbook

Now let’s go a bit deeper…..

Masculine + Feminine Energies

“I think of our female aspect as our intuitive self. This is the deepest, wisest part of ourselves. This is the feminine energy for men + women. It is the receptive aspect, the open door through which the higher intelligence of the universe can flow, the receiving end of the channel. Our female communicates to us through our intuition — those inner promptings, gut feelings, or images that come from a deep place within us. ” – Shakti Gawain, Living in the Light 

Regardless of gender, we all have masculine + feminine energies within us. Our female energy is receptive while the male aspect is action — our ability to make things happen in the physical world (think, speak, move, ACT). These two parts work together to aid us in creating the life of which we dream. Our female aspect receives divine inspiration and our masculine aspect acts on it.

As with all things, it’s an everlasting dance to create a balance between these two parts of ourselves. Today’s tools for Internation Women’s Days are all about balancing this Feminine energy. Today is all about slowing down and connecting with your intuition by LISTENING + RECEIVING.


In celebration of Internation Women’s Day, I’ve recorded a meditation, especially for women.  Take a few minutes out of your day to connect with yourself via this short 7-minute meditation for Women (you can learn more about meditation here). Bonus — another way to bring balance to the mind is to reframe your thoughts about yourself. Check out this post for some tools!


Do some yoga today. In my opinion, yoga is the perfect movement modality to balance your masculine + feminine energies.  If you’re short on time, do one of our under 15 minute Yoga for Work videos. If you want to more seriously start your yoga practice, join Wanderlust’s free 21-day challenge.  We started Monday, March 4 but it’s not too late to join! Wanderlust is a company who’s brand + ethics I deeply align with. The founder, Schuyler Grant, is leading the challenge with a new 25-minute DJ-powered yoga class each day designed to connect body + breath and build a solid yoga foundation.


The feminine aspect of ourselves is intuitive and we’re going to connect via journaling. This Soul Worksheet is an excerpt from the Fierce Reconnect workbook that comes with our Fierce Clarity journals. I’m a big believer in journaling because it gives direct access to the subconscious mind. Take some time to complete this SoulWorksheet over the weekend. Just ask yourself a question and answer honestly + immediately without a filter. It can be shocking what comes up — try it for yourself!

Happy Celebrating today!