If you travel for work, you know how difficult it can be to stay on track and be healthy. I attend several conferences and meetings and understand the challenges of work travel wellness. Below, I’m sharing my Top 3 tried + true hacks to stay healthy during werk trips!

1. Plan Your Meals

If you’re headed to a conference, survey the food options at the convention center or venue prior to arrival. If there are no healthy options or few appetizing options — use Yelp to find nearby restaurants that have healthy, fresh foods. You’ll need the energy to sustain you through meetings + networking so focus on eating high-quality meals when you’re able to. You can’t totally avoid catered lunches or dinners, but you can control what you eat on your own time — try and eat plant-based as much as possible!

Pro-Tip: If you’re in a jam, need a quick snack, and can’t find a nearby grocery/health store — stop by CVS or Starbucks and grab some almonds or the least processed health bar you can find.

2. Make Sneaky Workouts Your Friend

Consider waking up earlier for light cardio in your hotel or doing a few lunges while brushing your teeth. Oftentimes, we are go-go-go and use downtime to nap. Find small pockets of time where you can be active. In Vegas, I plan to walk the convention floor and make sure I get 10,000 steps each day. It may not seem like a big deal, but finding small ways to be active add up! I also use the ClassPass app to find yoga/workout classes close to my hotel. I can’t always fit a full class into my schedule but when I do I feel so much better.

Pro-Tip: A 20 MINUTE WORKOUT COUNTS! Don’t put pressure on yourself to find 90-minutes per day for an intense, well-rounded gym sesh. Instead, create a more attainable goal like a 20-minute workout. If you’re short on time, these yoga videos are all under 15 minutes!

3. Skip The Drinks You Can

When traveling for work, there are always client dinners, fun social events, and open bar networking opportunities galore. Social events + cocktails go together like PB&J and many of us let our health goals go after a few glasses of wine. An easy way to stay on track is to skip drinks when you don’t need them — Ex you don’t have to have a drink with your dinner if you’re headed to a reception after.  I’ve decreased my drinking over the past few years and I see a direct correlation between that choice and being healthier + feeling better. You won’t miss those extra drinks — trust me!

Pro-Tip: Activated Charcoal** is my holy grail when I have events when I know I’ll be drinking. Activated charcoal is a digestive aid that helps reduce gas + bloating + acid reflux. It’s a supercharged carbon with small crevices to absorb “toxins” in the stomach (it’s even used in some cases of poisoning). While there is limited science-backed evidence that it reduces hangovers, from my personal observation — I have a lot fewer issues when I take two tablets + a full glass of water before events. Additionally, they’re lifesavers during especially acidic events like brunch + mimosas with too much OJ lol.

My best advice for being healthy during werk trips centers around optimizing your choices so that they best serve you. If you’re a runner, make sure you get a run in even on your trip. If you like HIIT, do an Insanity workout in your hotel room. If you have IBS or digestive issues, make time to stop by Whole Foods + ensure you have all your supplements.  Don’t think of werk travel as an excuse to let it all go, instead treat taking care of yourself equally as important as making awesome business connections!


**Always seek professional medical attention when necessary. Consult with your doctor if you’re on systemic medications to make sure there are no adverse drug interactions.