Your go-to place to add more balance into your day — Explore yoga, meditation, mindfulness, and add more chill to your busy life!

Sep 2017

5 Beginner Yoga Poses to Start Your Day

By |2021-01-20T23:46:24+00:00September 15th, 2017|Categories: Balance, Featured|Tags: , |

Your mornings set the day's tone. In a perfect world, we'd wake up before the sun, meditate, head to an hour-long yoga class, and enjoy a yummy juice or coffee watching the sunrise. In real life, who has time for that?! While we may not be able to commit to an hour of practice, we can do something. Read below

Oct 2016

3 Weeks With Pilates & Yoga

By |2021-01-20T23:46:31+00:00October 3rd, 2016|Categories: Balance|Tags: |

Originally featured on I was brand new to Pilates when I came to EpicSelf HQ. I’d heard about it before but I thought it was just 1990s SoulCycle. I thought it was a popular celebrity fitness trend so I never gave it much thought. When I saw Yoga/Pilates fusion classes were a part of the Epic Living Academy Fellowship

Oct 2016

Why I Enrolled in Yoga Teacher Training

By |2021-01-20T23:46:31+00:00October 3rd, 2016|Categories: Balance|Tags: |

For me, yoga has been integral on my path of self-healing and self-improvement. It took me a while to finally take the leap to do a yoga teacher training but I’m so happy I did. My doctor suggested to me the idea of yoga as stress relief. It was 2014 and I was suffering from chronic IBS among other health issues.