Health Is Wealth

Health is defined as “a state of complete emotional and physical well-being”. When we are healthy, we are in a state of good health and the body is free from disease. Health is variable between individuals so no two people will define “healthy” the same way, but many people limit health conversations to food. However, I’m here to tell you being healthy is not a diet, it’s a lifestyle.

Being in good health is essential to feeling our best. Personally, I go through seasons of strict focus on health and others where I’m more lax — but when I’m not focused on my health, I can tell.

California’s formal shelter-in-place ordinance went into effect March 20, 2020 and, like everyone else, I bought every snack from the grocery store prepared to hunker down and quarantine at home. I was furloughed from work so it felt like a vacation. I abandoned a healthy diet and indulged in all the best processed + unhealthy foods while ending every evening with a glass or three of wine.

After a week and a half of that, I began to feel miserable. My IBS flared up and I had no energy or motivation. I decided then that I would use the time at home to focus on my physical health. I knew making healthy lifestyle changes would be a challenge, but the difficulty would be eased because I was at home and had more agency over my lifestyle.

Over the past ~8 weeks, I’ve been able to recommit to a healthy lifestyle and as a result, I’ve lost ~15 lbs, wake up full of energy, and am suffering far fewer IBS symptoms. In my opinion, a healthy lifestyle goes beyond the physical to include mental + spiritual + emotional health (read more here).

Self Care | Fierce Clarity

Below, I’m going to share some the top tenets of my quarantine health lifestyle during the COVID-19 pandemic:

Eat Plant-Based

One of my fav quotes is “let food be thy medicine” because food truly has the power to heal or harm us. I’ve been eating an 80% whole foods, plant-based (WFPB) diet which is full of natural, unprocessed foods derived from plants and not containing animal ingredients. I do allow 20% wiggle room for salmon + sushi + pizza + fun 😈. When I eat a majority plant-based diet, I feel better and have more energy and less inflammation in my body. I’m an advocate and a believer in the power of food as medicine and I eat this way to heal myself. If you’re new to the term plant-based start HERE. This post is full of everything you’d ever want to know about plant-based eating + recipes + even a grocery shopping list. Check it out and for some inspo to incorporate more plant-based meals into your weekly recipes.

Manage Stress With Physical Movement

The late neuropharmacologist Dr. Candace Pert, of Georgetown University School of Medicine, studied the mind-body connection extensively and her research showed the physical body is influenced by our experienced emotions. This is simply one example of the continued expansion of the field of mind-body medicine. Scientific information is starting to confirm what the yogis have been saying for thousands of years — stress and emotional tension are stored in the body and will remain stuck + stagnant unless we release it. This is something I know to be true so I committed to moving for 20-30 mins per day 4-5x per week while at home. Although furloughed from work, I had a lot of stress + anxiety about money, my career, my personal life, etc etc. Movement helps me manage + process these emotions and also helps me keep my body in physical shape. My two favorite movement practices

  • Fierce Clarity Yoga: Yoga is hands down my favorite way to take care of myself. I’ve been hosting Instagram Live yoga classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and expanded my offerings to offer replays of the classes. Yoga makes me feel calm + relaxed + centered + strong. Try this practice and see for yourself! Dive into the Fierce Clarity Yoga Universe HERE.
  • Shaun T: I’ve just finished the 6-week Transform 20 program (although it took me 7 weeks lol). The program consists of a 20-min workout 6 days per week and is the perfect reentry to movement if you’ve taken a few months off from working out (like I had lol). I’ve loved Shaun T since doing Insanity in college because the workouts require little to no equipment and can be done in the living room. Beachbody on demand offers 14-days free and after that is just $13 per quarter which is a pretty sweet deal! Check it out HERE.

Non-Negotiable Self-Care

I believe self-care is a spiritual practice. Intentionally taking care of ourselves is an act of devotion that honors our soul and connects us to the deepest part of ourselves. Here at Fierce Clarity we take a holistic view of everything so self-care extends beyond the superficial trends and includes mental, emotional, and spiritual practices as well.  Self-care comes in many forms and you must make time for it daily. Keep in mind each day will look different, but work to cultivate the ability to listen to that inner voice that tells you what you need (read more here). These are some of the self-care practices I’ve been relying on for the past 8 weeks at home

  • Physical: Movement, Weekly at-home facials, Eating a plant-based diet, Supplements
  • Mental + Emotional: Boundaries for work hours, Connecting virtually with friends + family, CBD supplements, Release my attachment to perfection
  • Spiritual: Prayer + Meditation, Weekly live stream of church, Tithing

Limit The Cocktails

I hate to say it but alcohol does not help us be our healthiest selves. I love cocktails + wine but I noticed a huge difference in my bloat + energy levels when I switched out my evening wine for an evening mocktail. I encourage you to start thinking of cocktails as more of a weekend treat and less of an evening wind down. Additionally, consider finding creative ways to make your drinks healthier like limiting sugar or using “healthy” ingredients. I’ve been using 8Greens as a healthy cocktail or mocktail supplement and I’ve enjoyed it! I’ll be sharing some recipes in the coming weeks to give you ideas for healthy summer cocktails.

While my healthy lifestyle works for me, yours will look different and that’s okay! Always do what works for you and listen to yourself + your body. Consult with your medical doctor before making any major diet + supplementation changes.