“New Year, New You” is a mantra for personal transformation, not just a glib saying used to start the year.  Ignore your cynical friends and allow yourself a fresh start and a chance to evolve. This time of year brings with new goals + new habits, and ultimately, a new you! We talked about being your best self for 2020, but now let’s dive into making this your healthiest year yet!

2020 is a big year for vision and seeing things clearly. In numerology, 2020 is a Univeral Year 4 which brings stability, order, and responsibility. This is a powerful year for taking yourself + your goals seriously. Acclaimed Numerologist Felicia Bender states “2020 is a year of building. It’s all about making the plan, gathering new data and creating the foundation that will eventually make everything run like clockwork. This will show up in every area of life: health, finances, relationships and spirituality”.

As we work with the energy of this new year, I want to offer you some tips to build healthy habits into your 2020. And as always — remember small changes add up to big changes. Gift yourself grace as you begin your journey towards a healthier + happier YOU!

See It To Believe It

We all know the power of visualization, but this year take your vision board digital. Make your phone wallpaper an affirmation or a collage of images that align with the direction you’d like to go. For the past few years, my personal favorite method has been to create a Pinterest board for the year. I gave up Instagram this past week and opted to scroll on Pinterest instead and collect images for my 2020 board. I found this to be exciting and inspiring. Sometimes I leave Instagram feeling annoyed, jealous, and like I’m not doing enough. Whenever those feelings arise, my Pinterest boards reminds me what I’m working towards is different than what others are working towards. We each have a unique path and what is for us cannot be for another. Making your vision board digital is a perfect way to remind + inspire yourself to keep going with your eyes on YOUR prize.

Self-Discipline is Self-Love

This year, reframe your thoughts about self-discipline. Many of us see discipline as a punishment, but really it’s an opportunity to be loving towards ourselves. Intuitively, we know the foods we should avoid because they make us feel unwell and we know what type of movement/exercise we enjoy. Having the discipline to create and respect boundaries for your health is one of the most loving things you can do. Will Smith talks about this idea for 2 minutes so check out the video here to hear him explain it better than I ever could. 🙂

Admit When You’re Exhausted

It’s okay to take a break. We’re so used to running on fumes and sacrificing our health to maintain maximum output + productivity. This year, pay attention to how you’re feeling and admit when you’re feeling tired, overwhelmed, and exhausted. Instead of pushing yourself to power through those feelings, take a step back and give yourself time to recharge. This principle reminds me of the common Insta quote “what if we recharged ourselves as often as we recharge our phones?”– serious food for thought! We plug-in our devices nightly but don’t always carve out time to plug in ourselves. Taking a break can actually lead us to be more productive when we return to our tasks. This year, make it a priority to build in time for rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation. (Once the stars align, we’ll def have another Fierce Reset this year to help you with this 😜)

Bring Pleasure Back To Food

Replace limitation and restriction with pleasure and enjoyment. Cook more of your own meals using real, fresh ingredients. To make this your healthiest year, let go of the fad diets and juice cleanses and simply commit to nourishing your body. Think of food as medicine — is what you’re eating helping or harming you? Personally, it took many years to break my rigid ideas of “healthy foods” and allow myself to have a diverse diet. Give yourself the freedom to explore and try new foods. I like to do a Fierce Clarity Detox during the month of January and I focus on a Whole30 elimination protocol. I’m exploring new recipes and remembering how important it is to enjoy what you’re eating. You are what you eat, and that includes the energetic profile of the food you’re eating. Was it made with love? Or was it made from suffering? Do you feel excited to nourish yourself? Or do you feel like you HAVE to eat this to “lose weight”? Ditch the scale and focus on how food makes you feel. BONUS TIP: Try and have at least one plant-based day per week!

Create Sacred Space

Create space in your home that is special to you. Having an area where you allow yourself to relax + be inspired can be incredibly powerful for mental + emotional health. Your space can be a cozy nook to read books, a serene seat for coffee, or you can convert your guest bedroom into the Zen Den of your dreams. The act of creating sacred space fosters a connection with your intuition. You’re able to get in touch with your senses and express yourself creatively. What feels sacred to you? — incense, candles, music, cozy blankets, pictures of loved ones, etc. Personally, me and my BF downsized so I no longer have a yoga room but I’ve carved out a small corner for myself. In that corner, I have an essential oil diffuser, meditation cushion, my yoga mat, and several spiritual/yoga books.

Focus on Adding More Joy

Do things that make you happy. Be self-indulgent. As aforementioned, the practice of listening to your inner voice and following your interests and curiosities cultivates a strong inner connection. The people who have the happiest lives often are very in tune with their inner voice. Honor that voice this year and take up that new hobby you’ve been meaning to. Go to the museum. Treat yourself to the spa day. Put your happiness + peace of mind at the top of your list.

Mend Your Relationship with Money

Financial wellness is something we often overlook but decide 2019 is going to be the year you get on firm financial footing. The first step to being financially well is changing your mindset. I highly recommend The Law of Divine Compensation by Marianne Williamson to help you reframe your understanding of money as abundant energy that comes from God rather than a weird currency the capitalists use to oppress us all lol. Additionally, track your spending and find ways to save more. I’m currently using the app Albert to track spending/increase saving and the digital platform Ellevest to create investment accounts for my goals.