There will be times in your life where you will outgrow your current situation and God will push you out of your comfort zone to reach your next level of growth. For me, the time is now.

Last weekend, I shipped all my stuff and today I am headed to LA! I’m so excited to move to a new city, into a new apartment, and start this next chapter of my life but it took me a while to get here. In the spirit of transparency, I resisted the idea of moving to LA for a long time because it “didn’t make sense”. I’m a Type A person who (despite my best efforts) struggles with controlling the outcome. The idea of picking up + restarting my life at 30 without a clear, well-defined plan seemed nuts.

My BF transferred to LA for work last August but I stayed in Houston because I didn’t like the optics of “following a man” again and I wanted to focus on my own career. LA was never in my cards + seemed risky because I’d have to start over professionally. In Houston, I had created my perfect idea of “balance” in my current role at work and I didn’t want to give that up. I was finally feeling like an adult and it made sense to stay and “settle down” after doing the most in my 20s.

“Let Go or Be Dragged”

Last summer, I received a message that there would be a 2 part move to LA for me. I dismissed that message because I didn’t want to give up my cozy life. I was in a gorg apartment building, my daily commute was a 10-min walk, and I was finally in a comfortable place financially. But as time wore on, I began to feel that deep knowing that a change was coming as obstacles began to appear.

In December, a series of looney events forced me to reevaluate because I suddenly had to be out of my apartment by the spring. I took that as a sign that maybe my 2 part move to LA would be true after all. Then in January, I hosted a Fierce Reset retreat in Sedona and I personally got clear about how my fear of change was holding me back + keeping me stuck. Luckily, later that month I went to LA/Palm Springs with some girlfriends and I had an expanded experience. I felt at ease in California and, for the first time, I actually could see myself making the move. Despite being nervous, I decided to finally apply for my California optometry license.

“When you want something; all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it” – Paulo Coelho

Optometry is a legislated profession and starting the licensure application process made things real. As I made the conscious decision to pursue the move to LA, I was selective about who I told. I studied for and passed my California optometry law exam and I started to save money. Each day, I began to ask for guidance + clarity. I meditated on “How can I be of service?” and “How can Your will be done?”. The answers I got all involved me simply making the move to LA.

I would pull Oracle cards and they would confirm it was time to move on. I would constantly see angel numbers (especially 1111 and 555) affirming I was on the path. And finally, I wanted my Dad’s input so I talked to a medium. Sure enough, my dad (and a close friend I’d lost last year) both urged me to go because amazing things are waiting for me in LA.

“It doesn’t matter how slow you go, just go.”

I’m sharing this part of my journey because I think it’s important to be real about not having it all figured out. There are periods when you have to “walk by faith and not by sight”. You won’t know where the staircase is leading, but you just have to make the right next step.  It takes courage, but I believe you’ll always be rewarded for having the guts to make big life changes. You aren’t the first person to jump, and you won’t be the last.

It’s taken about 7 months to get to a place where I feel comfortable enough to leave. Slowly but surely, the pieces have fallen into place and I’ve been presented with business opportunities both in Houston and LA. I’ll be back and forth for a bit but I’m excited about the freedom. I have so many ideas and I’ll have the space to create more via Fierce Clarity. I’ll have the time to create new goals + design my ideal life. I’m thankful for such a supportive partner who is helping me make this transition and I’m grateful for the friends, family, and strangers who have knowingly or unknowingly provided confirmation + encouragement for me.

“Leap and the net will appear”

I truly believe in living an intentional life and, at this very moment, I’m practicing what I preach. I’m not sure what this next year holds, but I have faith it will unfold according to a divine plan. I’m so excited to be in LA with old + new friends and live my best yoga/green juice/New Age life lol. To my Fierce Clarity fam, thank you for being on the journey with me and I can’t wait to see what happens next.