FULL MOON Magic is in the air — and also kookiness
. Full Moon = time to assess what’s working and what isn’t. A full moon will always highlight polarities in our lives. It provides us an opportunity to become aware and decide to continue or redirect course as needed. The moon’s energy is feminine, receptive, and works closely with our intuition + subconscious mind to illuminate what hides in the shadows.
When is the last time you actually saw the moon? Most of us live in urban areas and spend our days shuffling from one place to the next. We spend too much time Doing and not enough time Being (read more here). Do you ever stop and look up? Do you remember that nature exists? Remember this evening! Take some time tonight to physically go look at the moon. Taking this small action helps ground you and provide perspective. We are just tiny humans on this planet.
The Set-Up
Clear some space for your yoga mat and get cozy. Burn sage/Palo santo/a candle or use your fav essential oil to shift the energy in the room. Grab your journal and turn on some soft + chill music. By stimulating three senses (sight, sound, smell), you help yourself be present + grounded.
Full Moon Journal Prompts
Use these full moon journal prompts to go within + check in with yourself. You can answer all of the prompts or just pick and choose a couple to deep dive into. Get still and ask —
- What is my main goal for the year? What do I desire most?
- What do I want to manifest this month? (Hint: Use your monthly goals for reference)
- What steps can I take to get there?
- What changes do I feel called to make this month?
- What needs to be restructured?
- Where do I need more clarity?
- What is working well in me life?
- What is lighting me up?
- What am I grateful for?
After working through the prompts —-How do you feel? What thoughts are coming up? Any new idea? Harness it all! Happy Full Moon!