Saturn Return is a time in your life where you’ll know for sure something is different. Saturn is the tough, disciplinarian that comes knocking when it’s time to get your sh*t together. As you approach 30, Saturn brings the pull to finally step up and step into your power.

Astrologically speaking, “Saturn Return” is the period in life when Saturn returns to the position in the sky it occupied when you were born. This transit takes about 28.5 years and once Saturn returns to that position in the sky, it stays for 2-3 years. If you were born between 1985-1988, congratulations on wrapping up your first Saturn Return that began in 2015 and lasted until December 2017!¹

3 years ago I was in a new city, on the brink of a new career, and knee-deep in “finding myself”. I felt nuts because I was unsure my chosen career path was right for me despite having MASSIVE amounts of student loan debt. My body was falling apart from years of unhealthy living and emotionally I was confused about everything. When I learned about Saturn Return, it gave me peace of mind that I wasn’t insane. It helped me understand this is a cosmic rite of passage and we all must step through the fire, so to speak, as we graduate into adulthood.

Having made it to the other side, I can look back and see how much has truly changed. I’m proud of myself for rolling up my sleeves and doing the work Saturn asked of me. I’ve experienced tremendous growth as I’ve managed the loss of a parent, started a wellness company, committed to healthy living, and gained clarity about what I want from my 30s.

However, If I could do it all over again, I would’ve def liked a heads up! Here are 5 things I’d tell myself at the beginning to prepare for my Saturn Return.

1. You Are Responsible for Your Life

You are more powerful than you think and it’s up to you to learn to cultivate and harness that power. You decide what you believe so question everything — your views on relationships, politics, religion, work, and purpose. These beliefs are driving your actions, which are creating your life. Saturn Return is a time to put on your big girl pants and do the work to figure out what type of life you want. It’s your job to shed beliefs that no longer serve you and grow into the ones that do. Let go of the limits you’ve placed around what is possible for yourself. Life will throw curveballs you can’t control, but you are in control of how you respond. Replace the victim mentality with an empowered one that reminds you of the serenity prayer — accept the things you cannot change, have the courage to change the things you can, and ask for wisdom to know the difference.

2. Health is Wealth

Put the scale away because your weight is not important. Your body is the temple that houses your soul and it’s your responsibility to care for it and keep it safe. Instead of being restrictive, focus on nourishing yourself and seeking a healthy lifestyle: mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually. Explore different diets and movement practices to create sustainable habits for yourself. You cannot pour from an empty cup, so learn to take care of your health and vitality. Understand what feels “healthy” for you may be different because we are all unique and health isn’t one size fits all. Additionally, this is the time to let go of the party lifestyle that defined your 20s. Learn new coping mechanisms and new ways to relieve stress. We only get one body in this lifetime, use it wisely.

3. Run Your Own Race

During the late 20s people are getting married, buying houses, quitting jobs, and moving across the country but it’s okay to stop and pause. Take the time to create your own definition of success and don’t blindly follow what you “should” do. Give yourself space to reflect, contemplate, and get in touch with your inner wisdom. Don’t spend so much time beating yourself up while scrolling Instagram and comparing yourself to others. Your Saturn Return brings the opportunity to reset your course, follow your curiosities, and explore new possibilities. You have a unique purpose and your job is to figure that out. Life is a marathon, not a sprint. Take this idea to heart and run your own race.

4. It’s Okay to Ask for Help

This is a period in life to not rely on your own power because it’s easy to feel alone. Find a therapist, support group, or a close friend who provides a safe space to unpack and explore your feelings. Recommit to your spiritual practice and let go of the old religious dogma that no longer resonates. Use your Saturn Return to remember your deepest, most authentic self and use your spiritual practice to keep you grounded. Connect with your Higher Power how you see fit — maybe that means going to church, or using crystals, setting intentions during a morning practice, or perhaps simply going to yoga class. Your life, your rules.

5. You Are Enough

Self-love sounds cheesy but this is the biggest lesson you’ll have to learn. You’ll have a lot of healing to do to reestablish a relationship with yourself and that’s okay. During this time, really get to know yourself and fall in love with the entirety of you. Take personality tests, get your natal chart read, go on a solo retreat — Do whatever it takes to get to know yourself better. Forgive yourself for years of self-torture to your body, mind, and spirit. Learn to relax and be at peace with what is. Reconnect with your soul and reintegrate all parts of yourself. Meditation will help you develop an attitude of acceptance towards all things — including YOU. You are perfect, you are enough, you are exactly as you were created to be.

For those currently entering your Saturn Returns, I wish you good luck. This time period is a gift where you’re able to discover who you truly are, gain clarity, and design a life you want to live!


1. Saturn in Saggitarius. Accessed 31 Jan 2018.