Can you believe this decade is coming to a close? We have so much to celebrate and be grateful for. Even if things are not as you planned, you are blessed with the gift of life. You have another moment and another opportunity to create positive change!

As we head into 2020, this time of year is ripe with resolutions. We’re all vowing to lose our holiday weight, get up earlier, and slam our 2020 goals. But instead of feeling the pressure to create an aggressive list before midnight, I invite you to take your time. During this portal between 2019 and 2020, I’d like to encourage you to be gentle with yourself.

Fierce Clarity exists to empower you to create + manifest your happiest and healthiest life. To support you on your journey, this post is full of resources to help you be your best self in 2020 and beyond. No matter how you choose to set your intentions for the year, we’ve got you covered. Grab your journal and let’s get to work!

Below are resources to help + inspire you to create a vision and become your best self.

How to Create an Intention

Do you want to create intentions for 2020 but don’t know where to start? We’ve got you. Setting an intention can center around a positive quality you want to cultivate, an aspect of life you want to change, or breaking a habitual pattern. It doesn’t matter if it takes the form of a word, an affirmation, or a mantra; what matters is the spirit behind the intention. Humans have free will for a reason. No matter our situation, we can decide in a moment to turn things around. If your heart is in the right place, your intention is on fertile ground. We can choose to see the present moment as a launching pad for our future. We can choose to see today as the day everything changes. Read More

How To Create A Vision For 2020

On our Fierce Reset Retreat, we do the work of defining our version of a “Vibrant Life”. As we head into a new decade, remember you have the power to co-create your life. This Vibrant Living exercise will help you define your best life and get specific about how that life looks. We manifest new situations + experiences for ourselves by bringing conscious awareness to our desires + dreams. So today, I invite you to take a moment for yourself to get still, sit with this work, and dream big! Read More

How To Manifest Your Best Life

Manifestation is a result of thoughts + effort. It isn’t esoteric, but more of a natural law. You’re always rewarded for having the audacity to dream big and pursue your goals. Manifestation is setting a goal and working towards it, not waiting for it to come to you. It’s deliberately creating a single-minded focus and taking action to make it happen. We are all capable of manifesting our ideas into reality! Keep reading to find out the most important steps to create new opportunities for yourself. Read More

How To Find Peace During The In-Between

“Honor the space between no longer and not yet.” As you’re thinking about next year, honor the space between where you’ve been and where you’re headed. “As driven + ambitious women we are always looking forward and focused on our next goal, accomplishment, or achievement. It’s healthy because focusing on the big picture brings clarity + motivation to work hard, but our drive is also a trap because we feel stagnant + unfulfilled if we aren’t electric, dynamite, and killing it 100% of the time. We focus on getting to the next marker of success and feel deep discontent when we don’t make it there by our self-imposed deadlines. Instead, choose to honor the space and honor the becoming. We have to learn to feel grateful for the journey happening now and relinquish some of the focus on what we’ve yet to accomplish.” Read More

How To Feel More Empowered

We all go through periods of life where we fill uninspired, stuck, or just disconnected from ourselves. During those periods, it becomes imperative to empower yourself and there are a few ways to do it! My favorite is to spend time getting to know yourself. You can also make easy changes to your lifestyle or begin a journaling practice to support a more empowered version of you. Additionally, moving the body helps create a sense of strength + empowerment so consider giving yoga a try!

How To Detox For The New Year

Each January I embark on a process of detoxification to realign my mind, body, and spirit. Detoxification is simply “the process of removing toxic substances or qualities”. The body has organs — the liver + kidneys — that are responsible for our internal detoxification process. However, while physical detoxification is important, we are all exposed to toxic mental, emotional, and spiritual stimuli that also need to be removed. Periods of detoxification are periods of self-purification. If you’re curious about the detoxification process or interested in creating one of your own — SIGN UP HERE! 🙂

PRO-TIP: Take some time to go within and think about what this new year + new decade means for you. As you explore these resources above and write your 2020 intentions + inspirations in your journal. When doing this type of work, create the ultimate self-care vibe by cultivating the energy of your space. Clean your space to minimize distractions. Burn sage/Palo santo/a candle or use your fav essential oil to clear the air and turn on some soft + chill music. By stimulating three senses (sight, sound, smell), you help yourself be present + grounded.

Wishing you love + light in the New Year and beyond. Make sure you’re subscribed to our newsletter to be the first to know about our 2020 Wellness Tour + Retreats! See you on the other side 🙂
